
Sunday, April 22, 2007

What a shock, the police's drug field tests are utter bullshit.

But that's okay, because he got taken to jail and his car was impounded and I'm sure he had to pay for towing and storing. So, you know... justice, right?

Drug tests exonerate punk rocker - Los Angeles Times:
"It was soap, not dope.

That's the verdict from additional testing of the peppermint-scented liquid that got punk rocker Don Bolles arrested on drug charges this month.

Bolles, 50, the legendary drummer for the Germs, spent three days in jail after Newport Beach police said they found GHB, the date-rape drug, inside a bottle of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap in Bolles' 1968 Dodge van.

Police ran a field test on the yellowish goop after stopping Bolles for a broken taillight on April 4.

But a more sophisticated analysis by the Orange County Sheriff's Department crime lab detected no GHB in the soap, officials said Monday. As a result, all charges against Bolles will be dismissed, a spokeswoman for the Orange County district attorney's office said."

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