
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

"Serve and protect"? For your own good, cause we know what's best.

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition » Heartless Feds, apparently heartless city cops, too:
"...two years ago Denver voters approved a city ordinance that allows possession of less than one ounce of marijuana for personal use by persons 21 years of age or older.

The measure was approved by 54% of the voters. Last fall, 55% of Denver voters approved a similar measure for state law, but state-wide the measure failed.

Since then, Denver Police Department's arrest rate for marijuana of people 21 or older has increased - nearly 25%! DPD is going around the city ordinance and citing people with the state statute.

...When will law enforcement realize that the public is not really on their side on this one?

When will they stop being bullies with guns and handcuffs? When can we expect someone to inject a modicum of common sense into law enforcement efforts? I've asked it before, I'm asking it in Denver today and I'll ask again in the future, "Don't you think your police can spend their time - and your tax dollar - doing something more important?"

No, I'm not a "turncoat". I was trained that law enforcement, to maintain fairness and the respect of the citizens it serves, must be reasonable and carried out with sensibleness, fairness and compassion. Playing king of the mountain doesn't cut it for this former cop.

When the citizenry informs you of their priorities, how can you ignore their spoken will and still claim you are there to "serve and protect?"

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