
Monday, April 02, 2007

The monthly reading list for Mar 07

How to Be Good by Nick Hornby. I really wanted to like this. He's written some clever, witty books in the past. And even the movie adaptations have been done well. And the book, craft wise, is well written. It's just the characters are sooooo unappealing. They're ultimately unlikable. They're whiny, neurotic, negative, self indulgent, pessimistic and with no redeeming qualities. I don't need some everybody is happy Hollywood ending, but give me some small glimmer of optimism or positivity. Even the very end of the book stomps with heavy boots on a slight chance of hope. Makes you want to wash down a bottle of pills with a quart of whiskey.

DC Universe: Trail of Time by Jeff Mariotte. Enjoyable DC Comics western heroes + magic + superheroes tale. Better than Last Sons about equal to Inheritance but not as good as Helltown, at least due in part to my unabashed love of all things Denny O'Neil and the Question. Fun cotton candy for the mind.

You Suck: A Love Story by Christopher Moore. Hilarious comedy vampire tale. Sequel to Bloodsucking Fiends.

Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, Book 2) by Jim Butcher. More Philip Marlow/Raymond Chandler meets magic. Good stuff.

Dynamic Strength by Harry Wong. Old school strength training. Nicely done.

The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden. Interesting book. All about the nature of the universe, the mind, man's place in the world. All the deep philosophical stuff. Reminded me a lot of Michael Talbot's The Holographic Universe.

Seven Soldiers of Victory Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 by Grant Morrison. Morrison unleashes his madness to re-work and re-envision some lesser tier characters of the DCU and weaves as entertaining and complex story as you'll find in comics of late. Great stuff.

Prey by Michael Crichton. Fun read in the Michael Crichton "technology out of control and man's hubris screws everything" vein. Entertaining and interesting, particularly if you've any interest in nanotech.

1 comment:

  1. can you get a monthly video list? i want to know which brits shows to be on the hunt for...
