
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Martial Arts, Psychedelics and Waxing Philosophical.

Interview: Joe Rogan, Stand-Up Comedian | Dead-Frog - A Comedy Blog:
"...understand how your own life is always affected by physical insecurities. That every man’s fear deep down inside is being dominated by another man. And when you overcome that fear, when you get past it, when you rise about it – it gives you a different and more enhanced perspective on life itself.

Martial arts really are a vehicle for developing human potential because it allows you to transcend. It allows you to transcend your monkey body and experience things from a more balanced and enlightened perspective. Though it doesn’t seem like it should.

To overcome that physical confrontation fear that everyone has – that’s totally and completely natural – it’s like learning how your car works. You got to get in there and go “what the fuck is the carburetor.” And once you do that, you’re the controller. You’re the computer chip that controls your whole body. If you have a better understand of your body, then your body is less likely to influence you in adverse ways. It’s less likely to fail you or it’s less likely to betray you when you get nervous. Less likely to make you make bad decisions.

There’s no one thing I can pin down as a catalyst [for my stand-up], but for sure martial arts and psychedelic drugs are two big ones. In very similar ways."

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