
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I remember buying cigarettes for my dad too.

The world didn't end either.

Let Kids Buy Vodka! by Manuel Lora:
"I remember buying beer and cigarettes for my parents when I was growing up in Peru. And I do not remember the following things:

* The seller being treated like a rapist and sent to prison
* The buyer (that would be me) being sent to some juvenile detention center
* My parents being treated like murderers

Odd isn't it? To think that one would find a nugget of liberty in a poor ("developing" for the PC crowd) country might sound strange to some ears. Yet things today in these US of A are, well, a tad different to say the least.

...Needless to say, this represents an awful shift of responsibilities. It is no longer our parents and family who must take care of us. Nope. We get all almighty state. The same people who regulate toilets and fill potholes are now going to tell us who can buy certain products. We're back to being children! Oh Heavenly Government: we implore that you feed, bathe, clothe and educate us – that we may be ever-loyal serfs and participate in the glorious orgy of your omnipotent magnificence forever and ever! Indeed, this is exactly what the politicians want. They require us to abide by their decrees, often under the questionable excuse of "keeping you safe" or, better yet, "for your own good." After all, we might (oh, the humanity) hurt ourselves.

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