
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Always respect dibs.

Especially for Jessica Alba. I mean, come on...

I'd totally think this was Jr, except he's in SC. Shoot, he's probably in FL on "business."

Overheard in the Office | Oh, and You're Working Sunday:
"Boss watching Sin City: Dibs on Jessica Alba.
Employee #1: I'll fight you for her.
Boss: Okay. [They spar for a second, then the boss kicks the employee in the shin and slaps him in the head, dropping him to the floor.]
Employee #1: Ow.
Employee #2: Just not smart, dude.
Employee #1: It hurts so bad.
Boss: Respect dibs.

Ft. Walton Beach, Florida

Overheard by: He can have her"

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