
Saturday, April 14, 2007

alterati » Blog Archive » 23 Tools To Brainwash and Influence People Through Media

Brainwashing in 23 easy lessons. My two favorites...

alterati » Blog Archive » 23 Tools To Brainwash and Influence People Through Media:
"5. Framing is everything. Decide what you want people to believe and make sure that any choices you give them are within a framework which assures you of your result. This is called the Illusion of Choice. “Do you want to sweep the floor before or after dinner?” Repeat this formula for economic systems, politicians, news stories, competing product brands and entertainment.

6. Appeal to the lowest common denominator. Make sure that all shows model conflict resolution of people with an emotional and intellectual maturity no greater than that of a six year old. Make it funny so no one notices."

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