
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

African Safari.

Usually I'm not a big fan of zoos - a bit too much like jails for animals - but last weekend the clan went down to "African Safari" in Oita-ken.

It was a lot of fun actually, and I enjoyed myself quite a bit.

And if zoos are jails, it was at least the kind of posh Federal Penitentiary where all the inmates seem to make out pretty well. So that tided over all the white liberal guilt I've got about exploiting animals.

This first pic kinda sums up all that is Japan, in a way... hugely ostentatious fake elephant tusks. Plus vending machines.

Sure, Cindi is going to Africa and Tanzania and whatnot, but will her mountains have Restaurants and Shopping?

I think not.

Advantage - fake Japanese/African mountain.

Plus, cookies with animal faces.

Worth noting, in a "time flows on" kinda way, Yumi now actually a little taller than Sandy.

She gets taller than me, I quit.

Bachan is a nut.

And inspires other people to nuttiness.

Well done Bachan, well done...

Contrary to appearances, I am not simply being gay.

There's actually a basketball hoop carny game just out of the pic.

It's funny, you should have heard the hush fall over the crowd [seriously] when the gaijin picked up the basketball.

I was a credit to my race, sinking 1 of 2 and scoring prizes for cousins.

Probably the only time all day I thought "Oh no! Animal jail!"

Incredibly cute, yes, but how trapped and sad does this adorable little monkey look?

I know by the end of the day Sandy was getting sick of me taking all our money to make sure I could feed any animal I was able.

It's the least I could do! Animal Jail!

Kangaroos = Awesome.

That is all.

So the big part of the zoo/preserve is loading you up in a big animal themed caged bus as they drive you about the park.

They give you fruits, meat and food pellets you can feed to the animals in the park through the bus cage using the big metal tongs.

Shades of Jurassic Park going through the gates.

Yep, lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Just no real good pictures of the bears.

And zebras, rhinos, giraffes, cheetahs, bison, ostrich and a wealth of other animals too...

Mississipi Alligators.

During the winter the park uses the water from a local onsen to keep them warm.

Spoiled damn alligators, I'll tell you what.

This elephant was bright as hell.

After the first time I gave him food, he'd just leave his trunk up a the same spot until I fed him again, anticipating my location.

So... bright AND greedy, I guess.

The lioness flashes the eye of Satan, above.

More/all the pics from the excursion can be seen by clicking the box/link below...


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