
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Motivational Phrases

You know, of late "just do it" has actually been particularly useful to me... at least as shorthand for shutting off the active mind. I come up with at least a dozen reasons not to head to the dojo - weather, health, injuries, attitudes - but just shutting down or shutting off the active mind is key in getting to the gym. And the two hours I spend, where I more than anything else, shut down the constantly moving mind at use - like now, for example - are amongst the best hours I spend all week...

Getting To Done: My Favorite Motivational Phrases - Lifehacker:
"Although they may be cheesy sometimes, motivational phrases can be inspiring, relevant and useful, too...

Make Yourself

There is a song by Incubus called “Make Yourself” and it’s got some rather harsh lyrics that illustrate what this is all about. In essence it’s about not letting other people make you into something you don’t want to be and taking responsibility for your own growth through life.

Just Do It!

I know it’s corporate, but hey, it works. The way I see it, there are usually a million reasons not to do something. Most of them are bad.

Of course it depends on what you’re doing! But in general I’m a fan of living life and not watching it pass me by."

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