
Friday, April 14, 2006

"Learn to be Invisible"

Rigorous Intuition: Conspiracature:
"It's a conceit of liberalism to believe knowledge is power, and it's a deceit of the 'Information Age' to mistake information for knowledge. Gone missing, for the greater part, is wisdom. Find that, and maybe we find our power.

'Big Brother is watching, so learn to be invisible.' That's some advice dished out early on in Grant Morrison's The Invisibles. It's a comic book from the mid-90s, a knowing caricature of a guerrilla war waged by the 'Invisible College' against an occult elite that Morrison claims was determined by his own abduction/shamanic experience in Kathmandu. It also happens to contain more wisdom about the world than yet another cut and paste contending that the hole in Tower Two was too small for a Boeing 767. Art can do that. Even comic art.

A few years ago Morrison said, 'Fuck man, I tell you when I was a kid I read Robert Anton Wilson and all this shit and here we are, we're standing here, talking about this shit and it's real!'"

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