
Thursday, March 09, 2006


Spiritual Bungee Jumping - Pop Occulture:
"I am a spiritual bungee-jumper. What I mean by that is that I’m a liar. I like to go on metaphysical thrill-rides where there is little to no threat of actual danger to my sense of self. I like feeling all spooked out and having cool things to ponder, but that’s about it. I like to say I’m looking for the Truth, but what I really mean is that I’m looking for truths which I can use to enhance my life and make me more interesting as a person. It’s not Unconditional Truth At Any Cost that I’m after, because that shit’s just too plain scary.

I’m at least honest enough to face my own cowardice.

I realize that I’m in a nice padded vehicle with lots of straps, safety mechanisms and emergency shut-off switches if things go too far out of control. I’ve done a very good job of constructing it. I can even sell you the design, if you want. It’s weird because I’m proud of it on one level and ashamed at what a faker I am on another. I say I want the truth, but the truth is: I can’t handle the truth. Or at least not all of it. Not all at once anyway… but, see, there go my supporting rationalizations, triggering lines of thought to protect me and my fakery. It’s strong stuff. I rely on it nowadays."

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