
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

We have met the Enemy and he is us - Pogo

Key 23 | Occulture Evolved:
"'To influence us, they disable our capacity to make reasoned judgements and appeal to deeper, perhaps unresolved, and certainly unrelated issues. By understanding the unconscious processes we use to make our choices of what to buy, where to eat, whom to respect, and how to feel, clever influence professionals can sidestep our critical faculties and compel us to act however they please. We are disconnected from our own further disempowerment. The less we are satisfied by our decisions, the more easily manipulated we become.
'To restore our own ability to act willfully, we must accept that we are the ones actively submitting to the influence of others. We are influenced because, on some level, we want to be.'
(Coercion: Why We Listen to What They Say - 1999, Douglas Rushkoff, p. 19)"

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