
Friday, March 24, 2006

Wake Up.

Musings on Reality, the Scientific Method, and the Cure for Dandruff:
"When I look around at how most people are living, they look like walking zombies. They get up, go to work, eat unhealthy food, watch TV, argue about politics, and repeat the cycle until retirement. After retirement they preoccupy themselves with equally pointless activities as they wait for death. They spend their lives thinking nothing that’s real, doing nothing that’s real, and talking about nothing that’s real. But every once in a while, some experience happens to them that temporarily wakes them up… ever so briefly. Maybe it’s getting fired, suffering the death of someone close to them, or enjoying a mental breakthrough. For that moment they are awake, but too often they panic when this happens and resubscribe to the old mass hypnosis."

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