
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

So true... [at least from what I remember... as I approach senility]

On Clubbing:
"On Clubbing: Guys go to find girls; girls go to 'have fun'

Now, why is this so? At clubs, girls always seem to have a good time. They don't need to meet guys to have fun. Girls can dance with each other, hold hands, kiss each other, get free drinks, and get hit on all night. They get to do whatever they want, and it's considered HOT. Guys on the other hand have no choice. What would you think if you heard 2 guys talking like girls?

Joe 'Yo John.'
John: 'Sup Bro.'
Joe 'It's Friday, I'm so stressed. I need to dance yo.'
John 'Werd. Me too, my body is so tense I'm gonna explode if I don't get down.'

OMG, can we say G-A-Y GAY? How bad does it look to see 4 guys dancing in a circle just smiling all night long? Or holding hands? This is exactly why the only legitimate reason for a straight guy to go clubbing is to MEET GIRLS. Why do girls go to 'have fun?' Cause they get hit on all the time like a piƱata that they don't need to go to meet guys. I'll tell you one thing though: IF YOU ARE AN UGLY GIRL, you may not say it, but you are there to hopefully meet a nice guy. Hot girls get hit on so often at clubs, at school, on the bus, at church, in the crib, on Friendster on Xanga that they are so sick of it. That's why they go to 'have fun and dance.'"

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