
Friday, March 17, 2006

Right and Wrong - By Scott Adams

The Dilbert Blog: Constitutional or Not (part 2):
"In response to my last post, many of you made excellent rebuttals to points I didn’t make. I enjoyed this more than I expected.

I guess most of you assumed that because I want to label the majority opinion “right” and the minority opinion “wrong” that I would also favor mob rule. No way. I still favor the traditional system where rich people run the country and convince the morons who live here that the voters are really the ones in charge. It’s not a perfect system, but no one has come up with a better one. And it’s fair in the sense that anyone could become rich and abuse the poor.

My point yesterday was about how “right” and “wrong” are decided. There aren’t many good ways to go about it. You’re either trusting ancient hole-poopers who wrote something down and told you it was inspired by God, or you’re trusting your instinct. And let’s face it: you know what a clueless goober you can be.

Personally, I use a modified version of the Spock test for morality. First I try to figure out what is the greater good. Then I compare it to what is good for me personally. If the two things are the same, I label it “right.” And if the greater good conflicts with my personal benefit, I call that a tie.

Again, it’s not a perfect system, but no one has come up with a better one."

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