
Friday, March 24, 2006

The Lazy Way to Success: Profiting From Your Passions

The Lazy Way to Success: Profiting From Your Passions:
"I have frequently maintained that the key to wealth, health, fame, power, love, happiness, and personal fulfillment is simple. All you have to do is do what you feel passionate about. In fact, it seems to me that doing anything other than what you love is a total waste of time.

Whenever I write (or say) something like that I am deluged with questions and rebuttals. Folks inevitably point to the innumerable starving artists, musicians, writers, and actors who are, well, starving, even though they are following their passions.

I also hear from guys who tell me the sole reason they were put on earth is to run an animal rescue operation or some such low-paying/no-paying occupation. And then they challenge me by asking how are they going to get rich/famous/successful doing those things?

On the other side of the bell curve, I hear from people who say they are passionate about a bazillion things. They ask how can they possibly decide which one to pursue.

Here is what I tell all these folks:

I believe that it is not enough to begin your journey by following a path characterized by only one passion. I have noticed that success comes when you incorporate several passions at once. It seems that an activity that combines several passions is a more complete reflection of who you are. Not only do the possibilities seem greater when more passions intersect, but the joy of doing is fuller."

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