
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Flu Apocalypse of 2051

Tried a pre-sleep autosuggestion before drifting off last night... to remember what I dream about. Hadn't had any vivid or memorable dreams in a while, so I figured it'd be worth a try. Lucid dreaming books typically suggest autosuggesting cues as you fall asleep, and though this wasn't an attempt to lucid dream, figured I'd give it a go for something simpler.

Worked fairly well... twelve hours after waking up, I can still recall last nights more vivid dream - wandering around the old neighborhood in Regalwood with a friend I knew from grade and high school - Bill Smith. Pedaling around on bicycles, looking a bit haggard having survived the "flu apocalypse of 2051"... odd, that. More details that, had I written earlier instead of getting distracted by the glorious internet, I'd remember...

Anyways, one dream apocalypse per day, that's my motto.

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