
Saturday, March 18, 2006


Avoiding School | CrimethInc.Net/work ...v.7.1.2...:
"Our children learn early on, through television sets, biblical verses and study plans, that desire is some sort of commodity to be negotiated on terms of monetary value and spent life hours; that truly fulfilling experiences need to be saved up for, and occur outside of daily life. Little ones have been refusing this moldy lesson generation after generation, yet, the tragic lack of support is overwhelming enough and eventually all of those steadfast cubs grow and graduate into working adults. How can we break the pattern of week-to-week part-time slavery?

Those of us fortunate enough to enjoy the company of children know well enough that kids have no trouble having fun. Initially, play seems to be effortless—washing dishes, eating dirt, illustrating walls, even taking care of each other are all voluntary activities that require no coercive manipulation or insincere reimbursement. School eventually defeats this willingness to participate by installing the seductive logic of transaction to replace the initial desire of interaction. Standardized curriculum asserts that we have nothing to gain by sharing and giving, we must instead trade: swapping what we have and what we can do for more desirable goods and services. Success structure and learning techniques reinforce this competitive ideology and authentic development and strengthening of skills fall behind as the ability to please the supervisor with memorization and specialization become habitual."

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