
Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Dilbert Blog: My Opinions Part II [Or, Scott Adams talk Wise]

The Dilbert Blog: My Opinions Part II:
"Q. What do you see as the greatest problem facing the world today?

A. Religious nuts (assuming global warming gets fixed)...

Q. What is your opinion on the nature, constancy, and relevancy of time?

A. Ask me again yesterday...

Q. What's your opinion on abortion?
A. It’s bad for the fetus. It’s convenient for the adult who wants one. Arguing about when “life begins” is an attempt to offload a tough question on the dictionary or the courts or a superstition. I support the majority opinion in favor of keeping abortion legal. I value the quality of life for adults higher than the unrealized life of a fetus. And I trust the majority (the mob) to figure out the most realistic place to draw that line.

Q. What about men's rights on abortion.
A. The woman’s rights have to be a higher priority...

Q. Can you give an easy solution for all the Middle East problems, including but not limited to ethnic issues, religious issues, corruption issues, oil issues, nuclear issues, and last but not least, the poor history of this region in the soccer world cup?

A. There is no solution. But I often wonder what would happen if we surrendered, apologized for interfering in the region, and withdrew all financial and military support for everyone including Israel. I think Israel would survive just fine, countries would still sell us plenty of oil, and our enemies would get busy killing each other. We learned from the Cold War that enemies really do need a reason to want to kill you. It’s not for entertainment"

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