
Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ah, that healing power of religion...

... and you can follow the link to find out why Catholics eat fish on Fridays... unsurprisingly, it has to do with $$...

d r i f t g l a s s: Save your soul:
"...this is filed under: “Why Catholicism cracks me up.”

OK, first appalls, and then amuses.

The Catholic faith has always struck me as, well, ridiculous.

Completely arbitrary. A Semitic faith, 100% inverted away from its original intent. “Repurposed” for a pagan audience, its basic O/S rewritten to make marketing it to its enemies easier, and then screwed on top of the hardware of the Roman Empire for reasons that were almost entirely about political expedience.

The particulars of Christ’s “divinity” and that of his family, and which books -- each contradicting the other about the basic Jebus facts, history and tenets -- written long after his death would constitute the Owner’s Manual of the Faithful...dogmatized by the show of hands of politicians and bureaucrats centuries after He died.

And we shall skip lightly over the whole 1,700 years of persecution, paranoia, forced conversion, Inquisition, corruption, warfare, looting, assassination, the Pope’s Ghettos and the breeding of anti-Semitism into bones of Western Civilization where it is still harvested like winter wheat whenever somebody needs a scapegoat.

And we shall elide gracefully past the whole notion of creepy, celibate men in dresses and funny hats telling human beings how to live, premised on the perverse notion that our most humane impulses are all screwy and we burn in Hell for ever and ever if we ever dared to lay the burdens of their bigotries down and live and love each other freely.

A Church that shelters child molesters while literally beating into its children the mantra that the Holy Writ of the Church are the inviolate Laws of God, and transgression against even the most trivial of them will be a cause for eternal suffering.

Except, of course, when they don’t."

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