
Tuesday, February 21, 2006


PlumBlog: Social what?:
"I know this may be considered heresy to some in these circles, but I don't need a social network. I have a great social network already. It consists of a relatively small group of good friends and family.Of course there are the people I work too who I naturally socialize with as well. Beyond that I am not looking to connect with lots of new people all the time. Perhaps I should also point out that I test pretty far over on the 'i' (for 'introvert') scale on the Myers Briggs test.

What I do need and want is to connect or even socialize with knowledge, topics and information. I soak that stuff up. I may even occasionally want to converse a bit with the people behind the ideas and information I like, but that's secondary. What I want is to constantly discover new ideas, new restaurants, new places to go, new anti-oxidants... And then I want ways to remember and remix the stuff I discover and like for myself and for others too.

When we talk excitedly about social networks, I think we need to differentiate between social networks of people and social networks of ideas and information. They are different, they serve different purposes and the are (mostly) used by different people.

I really like the idea of social knowledge. I want to hook up to your topics and interest, not to you. Sorry, nothing personal."

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