
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

When I grow up, I believe I'd like to be Grant Morrison.

Comic Book Resources - CBR News - The Comic Wire:
"In response to a question about 'The Invisibles,' Morrison recalled the transformation he underwent while writing that Vertigo series. 'It was weirder than I imagined it, because it was like doing voodoo. The comic began to write me. I lost control of it in a lot of places. Things in the comic then happened to me. I made the King Mob character be tortured and sick and have his lung collapse. And three months later I was in the hospital with a lung collapsed, dying. So after that I gave him a real, good time. If I can make myself sick and put myself in the hospital, then by god, I'm going to make myself into James Bond!'

Morrison continued, 'My life by the end of 'The Invisibles' was nothing like my life at the start.'

...In terms of politics, Morrison spoke about growing up with two anti-war activists as parents and hopping fences into military installations. Now, though, his outlook is less radical. 'I don't have politics. I just kind of explore things. By the end of 'The Invisibles,' it was more about incorporation than Us versus Them. I started as a kid who was taught to hate the police and hate the army and authority, but the more I grew up and studied those things, the more I realized they were just part of the system we live in, an inescapable part.'

...A practicing magician, Morrison discussed the connections between language, magic and science. 'Language is magical. People talk about magic as if it's something over here that only some people do. The human race is a race of things that do magic. The only reason we think there isn't any magic in the world is because there's so much of it. We don't see it anymore. We can use Google to look down at our house from space. That's magic!"

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