
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What really happened

The Rude Pundit:
"Yesterday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing over the President's warrantless domestic surveillance program more or less went something like this: Arlen Specter would ask something about why the White House doesn't go to the FISA court and Alberto Gonzales would say, 'We considered it, decided against it, and you can go fuck yourselves.' Patrick Leahy would ask something about how Congress's authorization to use force constituted a green light to domestic spying, and Gonzales would say, 'Hey, baldy, we define 'force,' and so you can go fuck yourselves. Hard.' Leahy would ask if NSA has opened mail. Gonzales would say, 'Not gonna tell you and go fuck yourself.'

For truly, when Gonzales answered Joe Biden's question about how the revelation of the NSA spying program has hurt it with 'if [the enemy is] not reminded about it all the time in the newspapers and in stories, they sometimes forget,' truly, what was he saying but 'No, seriously, you guys and gal, go fuck yourselves. You get nothin'.' So it went, with Senators Kennedy, Kohl, the Feins - Stein and Gold, Schumer, and Durbin, and even with Republican Senators DeWine, Graham and Brownback, all, all told, in no uncertain terms by Gonzales, 'You are Congress and you can, as I've said already, go fuck yourselves.'"

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