
Thursday, February 09, 2006

They're never gonna do it.

...and they'll probably keep losing.

d r i f t g l a s s: Senator Norma Biden Sez::
"“We” haven’t lost our voice or focus at all. “We” have been here all along. “We” have been practically screaming for the Democratic Party to quit listening to its Wormwoods and Uriah Heeps who, each election cycle, council tarting yourself up in GOP-Lite Camo, curling up into an even tighter ball and hoping even harder that somehow everything will work itself out.

You see, Senator, at this political moment, our Party owns the only lemonade stand on Dune...

1. Quit whining and hit them already.

2. None of you is bigger than the Party. None. And because of that;

3. Tell men like Joe Biden to Shut The Fuck Up and quit acting like a rookie dancing in the end zone after his first TD every time he even thinks he sees a TV camera. His buffoonish antics embarrass us all. The Ailto hearings could have been about substance if any one of you had bothered to coordinate a strategy beforehand, instead of reacting like skanks on ElimiDate trying to out-preen each other...

7. The Republican Party as it is currently constituted is our enemy. Not your “Dear Colleagues”. Not “My Good Friend”. They have been lying about us, calling us traitors and cowards and weaklings for twenty years. They have taken us into disaster – abroad and at home – time and time again. They are destroying this country. They are the Bad Guys, get it? And what have you been doing? Wringing your hands and bitching that, “There’s no call for that kind of language.” So…

8. Stop waiting for the referee or Jesus or Mommy to show up and make the GOP “fight fair.” That day will never come, and if the GOP Leadership ever started behaving like sportsmen and statesmen instead of con men and Klansmen, their Party would collapse tomorrow. Divisiveness and hate is all they have. They know it, and it has served them well because the DLC keeps deluding themselves about that simple, central fact. They are not nice men. They will never be nice men. And if they offer to shake your hand, they’re only doing it so they can slit your wrist.

9.So be decorous, and you don’t need to swear, but quit whining and hit them already...

12. The answer to any question should be one of the following:

13. “Because Republicans are liars.”

14. “Because the Republican Party is racist to its core.”

15. “Because Republicans do not care about America.”

16. “Because George Bush is the best friend Osama Bin Laden ever had.”

17. When the MSM stooge who posed the original question rhetorically shoot back with something along the lines of, “But…but…but, you can’t really believe that?!” push back. Very Hard. Tick off a few examples of Republican Treachery and ask, “No, Chris. The question is, why don’t you believe it? WTF is wrong with you? Are you a plain old idiot, or just another paid-off, right-wing, Jeff Gannon whore?”

18. In other words, quit whining and hit them already.

Because Americans will tolerate ear-biting and eye-gouging, but they will NOT stand for (or vote for) a pussy bawling that the other boys are playing too rough.

Stop waiting for them to play nice. Stop waiting for the cavalry to come and save us.

You are the cavalry.

So quit whining and hit them already."

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