
Friday, February 24, 2006

Paying to have sex = bad.
Getting paid to have sex = upholding morality.
If you're a cop.
Or something.

Legally Lewd: A Right Reserved Only For Cops by Aaron Singleton:
"...someone’s got to stop consenting adults from paying and receiving money for acts that are perfectly legal if no money is exchanged. I mean, if two strangers meet in a bar or at a party and want to get it on that’s fine, as long as all they want is physical and egotistical gratification. But if one of them wants money and the other is willing to give it to them, well that’s downright criminal. It’s good to know there are selfless men out there willing to sacrifice their virtue to put a stop to this villainy.

Getting to first or second base isn’t enough for the dedicated officers of Spotsylvania. They want to make sure they get convictions and the only way to do that is to round third and come on home. But that’s not all. It isn’t enough to catch these girls in the act once. In order to build up a rapport with these malefactors, they evidently need to round the bases three or four times over the course of a month. Of course this kind of important operation costs money. That’s why Spotsylvania detectives spent over $1,200 at the Moon Spa massage parlor last month alone. And being the gentlemen they are, they of course tip very generously ($350 on one occasion). When you’re willing to throw other people’s money around like that it really shows your level of commitment to maintaining law and order.

All joking aside though, this is a sobering story. Police officers repeatedly engaging in sex acts with prostitutes using tax dollars I mean where do these guys get off? Okay, maybe that was a bad choice of words, but something is seriously wrong here."

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