
Saturday, February 18, 2006

Mrs. Kung Fu Monkey brings the funny.

Kung Fu Monkey: I Married Up -- as in "Funnier":
"Me: Hey, what are you watching?

Lovely Wife: A British show combining the best of sexism and class-ism. 'Ladettes to Ladies.' They take these ten young working class women and send them to English finishing school... There's a team of snotty old women. They 'help' the girls by teaching them how to sew dresses, how to walk, how to wear pearls and cross their ankles, flower arranging ... In this one, they're paraded around at a country mansion dinner party with rich people to see if they can blend in. If, by being sufficiently demure, will they be accepted by their 'betters.'

Me: ... sweet God.

Lovely Wife: (plummy British accent) 'And the winner receives a special prize from the prestigious Eggleston Hall Finishing School.'

Me: What's the prize?

Lovely Wife: A clitirodectomy.

Me: (spit take)"

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