
Thursday, February 09, 2006

A lot of things keep reminding me about choice these days...

You Are A Cog.: Karma, Part Four:
"The threat of The Negative and the lure of The Positive shouldn’t be what compel us into action. That really just boils down to selfishness. Absolutely we care about success and achievement and we have a sense of self-preservation but do you really need a Damoclesian sense of imminent doom to motivate your decisions? Coward.

Maybe you’ll make Bodhisattva one day and there will be forty virgins waiting to fuck you like only fantasies can, but you know what? Maybe not.

Like a good Buddhist I’ve come full circle. You see it’s not about toys it’s about being good for goodness sake. Not for any other reason than because it’s the right thing to do. It’s like Hogarth said to the Iron Giant, “You are who you choose to be.”

Let the Universe worry about the Universe."

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