
Saturday, February 18, 2006

'In the silence of a stick buzzing by your head, you realize which self it is you wish to truly defend.'

Dog Brothers Martial Arts, Inc. - NAVBAR_TITLE:
"Marc 'Crafty Dog' Denny replies, 'As Nobel laureate Konrad Lorenz points out, Man is an animal with an aggressive instinct. Whether we like it or not, this instinct will discharge, just as the lack of sex leads to a wet dream. Aggression in nature has three purposes: to spread a hunting species out over territory, for rank within a social group, and for reproductive rights-classically two males fighting over the female or the female in defense of her young. Yet in today's world there is no initiation for the young male, no ritual space to ground this energy, and so it floats, inchoate, spontaneously erupting. I believe that many of the terrible things we read in the newspapers today would not happen if this energy were given its place, acknowledgement, and guidance.

'Some say the world has too much violence, therefore we shouldn't teach violence. I disagree. To quote Carl Jung, 'The idea is not to imagine figures of light, but to make the darkness conscious.' When we go into a fight 'too extreme for the UFC' with no judges, no referees and no trophies, trusting only to the fighters, something very special happens. Of course there a moth and the flame quality to the experience, but I deeply believe that our way of doing things triggers an awareness that to go as deeply as possible into an experience of the true primal core that one must go equally in the opposite direction into a calm wordless state. Wild Dog once said 'In the silence of a stick buzzing by your head, you realize which self it is you wish to truly defend.' I think this is very right. Perhaps even more important than the fight experience is the special altered state which comes in the days afterwards. It changes your life.'"

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