
Saturday, February 18, 2006

"Dick Cheney was picked up twice in Wyoming for driving under the influence of alcohol... at the ages of 21, and 22."

Just saying.

The Reality-Based Community: Least hypothesis:
"All right, then.

We've had the Cheney-hunting-accident jokes, and the solemn analyses of how the incident encapsulates the entire experience of the 'ready-fire-aim' Bush Administration: the inexplicable bungling, the contempt for law (Cheney hadn't bothered to buy a bird stamp), the obsessive secrecy, and the reflex to pin the blame on someone else: in this case, the shooting victim.

But jokes and synecdoche only take you so far, and I'd be inclined to agree with Glenn Reynolds that the matter is being attended to all out of proportion to its importance, if it weren't for the fact that Cheney arranged not to talk to sheriff's deputies investigating the incident until the next morning. (There are conflicting reports about the role of the Secret Service in keeping the deputies away from Cheney that evening.)

That, paired with the long delay in making the incident public, has two possible explanations, the same two as apply to Ted Kennedy's actions after the Chappaquiddick incident: either the principal was a complete idiot, or he needed time to sober up. The determination by the sheriff's office that no alcohol was involved in the shooting is, of course, completely worthless; since none of the witnesses was likely to talk, the only way to know would be to have done a Breathalyzer or blood-alcohol test on Cheney within a few hours of the incident.

Cheney told Brit Hume that he'd consumed 'one beer' at lunch, which is exactly half the 'two beers' usually reported to police by drivers too sloshed to walk a straight line."

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