
Thursday, February 02, 2006

Christianity takedown 101

Toxick Bloging: 25 Things to Research If You Want to Learn the Truth Concerning Christianity:
"25 Things to Research If You Want to Learn the Truth Concerning Christianity
from the incomparable website

1. Ancient Near East Texts/Mythology Pre-Dating the Old Testament
2. The Epic of Gilgamesh and Other Creation/Flood Myths that Pre-Date the Old Testament
3. Zoroastrianism and the Persian Influence on Bible Doctrine
4. The Problem of Evil (Theodicy) and the Hiddenness of God
5. Myths of Dying-Resurrecting God-Men and the Christ Myth
6. Philo of Alexandria
7. The Book of Enoch
8. Gods and Goddesses Assimilated to Become Yahweh and Elohim (El)
9. Natural Empirical Evidence (Science) vs. Supernatural Belief Systems (Faith)
10. This Life vs. Eternity: Weighing in on the Immorality of Heaven and Hell
11. Gospels Not 'Historical' Records, but Anonymous Third-Person Narratives
12. The Christian Canon and the 'Evolution' of Jesus' Godmanship
13. Saint Paul and the 'Re-Creation' of the Christian Myth
14. Israel/Hebrew/Jewish Archaeology
15. Ancient Near East History (Canaanite, Hebrew, Egyptian, Persian)
16. Bible Criticism
17. The Nag Hammadi Library
18. The Ugaritic Texts
19. The Amarna Tablets/Letters
20. The Dead Sea Scrolls
21. The Gnostics
22. The Origin of Satan, Devils, Angels, Heaven & Hell
23. The Jesus Myth
24. Adam, Eve, and the Serpent
25. Critical Thinking"

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