
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What you think says more about you than the thing thought about.

The Gay Stoned Gnostic Jesus - Pop Occulture:
"I wrote a series of essays on the Christian “heresy” of Universalism, a doctrine which dares to suggest that Jesus died to redeem everybody - regardless of whether or not you believe in him. In my own warped universe, this seems like the most poetic and beautiful culmination of the Christian message - but what do I know? Probably not much, based on the letters from irate Christians that I’m still getting weeks later who are trying to prove to me that Universalism is “un-Biblical.”

I tried asking one of them why Christians feel so threatened by this idea of universal salvation, and was informed simply that it’s “wrong.” If only it were that simple. The fact of the matter is that the identity of Jesus seems to be caught up in our own identities somehow. Mainstream (meanstream) Christians think Jesus was talking to them only. Gnostic Christians say Jesus was a gnostic. Gay Christians say Jesus was a queer. Even stoners try to argue that Jesus healed using cannabis oil. Nevermind the battles around the Da Vinci Code’s portrayal of Christ."

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