
Monday, January 23, 2006

"Suck the gay alien dick and save the world."

Welcome to!:
"...Now, I read an article in Esquire once about a dude that claimed he was straight, but was a gay porn star. He said he was doing it because there’s a lot of money in it, which is a little shaky.
I mean... how much money are we talking about?
This guy had done dozens of films.
How much money is a lot of money for gay sex if you’re not gay?
I don’t know about you, but I would have to get so much fucking money that I didn’t ever have to do a second film.

...They say that everyone has their price, but there are some people that claim there’s not enough money in the world to get them to do certain things, like gay sex.
For the most part I think they say that because no one is really offering them a ton of money for gay sex. It’s not really going to happen, so why think realistically about the proposition and risk ridicule?

But what if someone really was offering?
Now, if you’re straight, what if someone came around and offered a TON of money for one gay sexual experience.
I’m talking about a fucking TON of money.
Like 10 billion dollars.

Would you take it?

You would have to be a fucking idiot if you didn’t take it.
One hour of misery and you and all your friends could live like the Sultan of Brunei for the rest of your lives.
Shit, you could write a book about the experience and make another 10 million on top of that.

“I’ve got my price” would shoot to the top of the bestseller lists.
It would be the subject of debate for hundreds of talk shows across the country.
The people would be divided on the subject, but again I believe it’s all bullshit. If the offer were real, almost everyone would take it.
It wouldn’t mean you were gay. It would just mean that you let a gay guy fuck you.
Would you do it?

Just think of what you could do if you had Bill Gates type money. Are you fucking kidding me?
You wouldn’t suffer for an hour for that?

I sure as fuck would do it. Everyone has a price, and that’s mine.

For 10 Billions Dollars you can fuck my ass.

You can do whatever the fuck you want with me for one hour.
I have a high tolerance to pain, and my will is strong. I’ll get through it. I have vision, and that’s a ton of fucking money.

I mean think about it, how long is an hour?

It’s all relative, really. the end of the hour... and you’re living like you’re in a Jay Z video for the rest of your life.
It’s not like it’s really going to hurt you. I mean fuck, there’s a ton of dudes doing it everyday and they’re fine. They actually like it.

I’m not saying you’ll come out of it completely unscathed. I’m sure there’s going to be some painful memories to deal with, But you know what? I’m guessing 10 billion dollars can smooth that over right quick.
It might even help your relationships because now you’ll have a better understanding of why your girlfriend complains when you want to fuck her in the ass.

Maybe you’re not a materialist.
Maybe money doesn’t motivate you, so how about if it was that you had to do it for a more altruistic reason, like to save the world or something?
Let’s say a big gay alien is going to kill all of the people on Earth unless you suck his dick.

Would you do it?

And before any of you say that this is a ridiculous scenario, I would submit to you that it’s probably MORE likely that a gay alien would come here from another planet and ask you to suck his dick than it is that a guy would willing to pay 10 billion to bone me.

Think about it.

There are 100,000,000,000 stars in this galaxy alone, but how many dudes are there on earth that have $10,000,000,000.00 to blow on a piece of ass?
And let’s be honest, any guy with 10 billion can do WAY better than me.
As long as Billy Zane is out there, I can safely say the offer is never going to reach my desk.
So if the offer were real, would you take it?

Suck the gay alien dick and save the world.

If you blow him, he’ll not only spare all the people a horrible death, but also offer them the keys to enlightenment and elevate the entire race.
Would you make the ultimate sacrifice and offer your mouth to save every man woman and child on the planet?
Or would you say “Fuck that shit, I ain’t no space homo!” and let everyone die for your vanity?
Is the feeling of shame too powerful for you?

For some people gay shame is just too much to deal with.
There was a story just a week or so ago where this marine that was on leave picked up a hooker, and then found out that he had been duped, and had actually been pleasured by a man in a dress. He freaked out, killed the he-she, and dumped the body on Melrose. The cops chase him, and he leads them in a high-speed pursuit that ends up in a shoot out where the cops had to kill him.

All because the guy couldn’t deal with the fact that a dude blew him. Now, if the guy just had a sense of humor he would have had a great fucking story that he could tell people for the rest of his life, but instead the he wound up dead.
All because he couldn’t deal with the shame.
That’s pretty silly if you ask me.
Getting blown by a guy in a dress doesn’t mean you’re gay, it just means you got tricked.
He tricked you, so you kill him?
That doesn’t seem fair.
And what kind of a way is that to treat a guy that just gave you a blowjob?
Talk about ungrateful."

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