
Monday, January 16, 2006

Pessimism is cowardice

If you're pessimistic you're gutless.

Pessimism is the hallmark of cowards who are too scared to get their hopes up. Too afraid to get excited about something and have it not work out.

Don't be afraid. Don't be a coward.

No Fear.


  1. It is a hell of a thing, to have no fear. I don't have any idea how your lack came about, but mine came about through having everything I feared come to pass. Unfortunately, as I see it, it is necessary to lose everything to gain everything. As I look around, I see that not many understand that. I knew I liked you for a reason. ^_^

  2. It's not that I have no fear... it's that I know I shouldn't have any.

    As always, a work in progress...

  3. It's not even that you shouldn't have any. It just serves no purpose beyond warning. Naturally there will always be the fear of losing a loved one, but that too serves only as a warning. Appreciate your loved ones and truly live while you can. You already know you're going to lose them one day. All we can do is live as well as we can for as long as we can. Which is where every-minute zen comes in handy. Live in every moment, 'cause it's a spark in the night sky. Now here, now forever gone. I find it funny how you can meet people at college who seem to know all the philosophy you could shake a stick at but don't understand a lick of it, don't live it.
    You are. Keep it up.
