
Friday, January 27, 2006

"The only thing we have to fear..."

Fafblog! the whole worlds only source for Fafblog.:
"'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,' says me.
'And zombies,' says Giblets.
'Yes, and zombies,' says me. 'But we should also fear our fear of zombies.'
'Fear of zombies is useful,' says Giblets. 'It got us way up in this tree out of reach of the zombies.'
'Well yeah that's true,' says me. 'But maybe it prevents us from workin together with the zombies to overcome our differences.'
'As long as the zombies adhere to their rigid pro-eating-us agenda no compromise is possible!' says Giblets.
'But Giblets that's what compromise is all about,' says me. 'Maybe if we compromise on gettin eaten they'll compromise on pork tariffs an the border dispute.'
'Zombies will never give up their pork tariffs,' says Giblets."

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