
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Oh Heaven Forfend!

Now you'll have to teach your inbred brood about things like, you know, REALITY.

No Touch Monkey!:
"Some teenage soccer players and their parents saw more sights than they wanted when they stayed at a hotel where about 200 swingers were having a New Year's Party."

I particularly enjoyed the flummmoxed response of the folks from Clearwater, Florida, known round the world as the home of Hooters.

"'We thought we were coming to Orlando, not the Las Vegas Strip,' said Mark Gilbert, the father of a boy who plays on the Clearwater Chargers, a group of 13-and-under players from Florida."

*Note to parents* - in case you haven't managed to figure it out yet - It's not the job of the rest of the world to foam-rubber the harsh corners of existence to spare your precious little monsters. It's your job to teach them how to deal with the world.

The Disney-fication and the sad entitlement of "It's my right to never feel uncomfortable" of the world continues...

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