
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Modern Medicine

The Lazy Way to Success: The Lazy Way to Perfect Health:
"I don’t trust modern medicine. And I don’t trust its principle sponsor and beneficiary – the pharmaceutical industry. The underlying approach of modern medicine is treating symptoms and I think that approach is knuckleheaded in the extreme. In most cases, the prescribed pills don’t cure anything. They merely trade one undesirable symptom for a raft of undesirable side effects. The concepts of prevention, strengthening the immune system, and nutrition are virtually ignored by the medical establishment. The closest they come to the concept of prevention is “early detection.”

If you analyze the situation, most diseases are self-inflicted, brought on through bad habits, substance abuse, poor diet, inappropriate behavior, stupid choices, and the like.

Then, of course, there is stress-related disease (which is also self-inflicted) and it has reached epidemic proportions. Folks subject themselves to ungodly levels of health-debilitating stress by slaving away at pointless jobs, in order to earn money to pay for medical care which tries to mask those job-induced symptoms with expensive drugs that cure nothing. To fuel the vicious cycle, these wage slaves work for the same corporations that unconscionably poison our air, water, soil, food, and psyche, making all of us weaker and sicker.

The real kicker is that modern medicine is the third leading cause of death in the United States, after heart disease and cancer, and that evaluation comes from the Center of Disease Control. The number of people that die from getting improper treatment from modern medicine is equivalent to two 747s filled with people crashing every three days and killing everyone on board. "

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