
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Keifer Sutherland defends Britain against Christmas Trees [and may just be my new hero]

Just Jared: Kiefer Sutherland Drunk:
"...At 2am bar staff refused to serve any more alcohol. Undaunted, Kiefer persuaded management to let them loose in the lobby.

He ordered yet more booze on room service, then staggered around the entrance hall, entertaining pals with a bizarre, flailing breakdancing routine.

It was then that a huge Christmas tree caught his eye.

'I hate that f***ing Christmas tree,' he declared. 'The tree HAS to come down.'

Kiefer warned staff: 'I'm smashing it - can I pay for it?'

A staff member replied: 'I'm absolutely sure you can, sir.'

The Lost Boys star - famously ditched by Julia Roberts five days before their wedding in 1991 - then hurled himself into the Norwegian Spruce, sending baubles and lights crashing to the ground. Pulling pine needles out of his hair and t-shirt, he said to a hotel employee: 'Ooh sorry about're so cool. This f***ing hotel rocks.'"

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