
Friday, January 27, 2006

"Keep in mind, there is nothing that I’ve ever put out that there isn’t some white corporation hasn’t permitted you to see."

"Boondocks did create an episode that raised the hackles of a number of people on both sides of the political spectrum. Entitled “The Return of the King,” the episode was about a monumental dream lead character Huey Freeman has. In it, Martin Luther King Jr. wasn’t killed, but did lie in a coma for over three decades. King comes out of the coma at the end of 2000, but is soon branded a traitor to the U.S. when he takes a pacifist’s stance to the current Iraqi War. King becomes a pariah in his own country. Everyone, both white and black dumps him on. Finally, after one tremendous speech, King bolts for Canada, never to return.

...“Keep in mind, there is nothing that I’ve ever put out that there isn’t some white corporation hasn’t permitted you to see. This whole idea that I’m some crazy, fearless guy is not coming from me. It’s coming from everyone else. There’s no validity to it. If I did something that was really that scary, I wouldn’t be allowed to do it. Just realize that somewhere there’s somebody, probably white, who probably works for a major corporation and is making money off of what I do. That’s the truth.

“I don’t want anyone to think that I’m some sort of political leader and my show is the start of some political movement,” Magruder continued. “It’s not. It’s jokes, comedy and satire. Yes, it’s commentary and political satire, but it’s still jokes. I shun the idea that I have some kind of leadership role to play.

“What I’m really trying to say is we should have politicized entertainers and political leaders. Both. I mean just because James Brown wrote some political songs, that doesn’t make him a political leader and we shouldn’t mistake him as such. What we have is a void in black political leadership and we are turning to quickly to black entertainers to fill it. That’s not necessarily the best move to make.”"

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