
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"’s very possible that ultimate truths simply can’t be expressed"

Ten Things I Hate About the Occult - Pop Occulture:
"Criticism from the “normals” - if you get interested in the occult, chances are your normal friends and Christian family are going to think it’s silly at best, or crazy and dangerous at worst. The thing about this that gets me the most is that these people (especially Christians) are essentially telling you that your need for exploration, questioning and personal experience are bad and wrong - simply because that’s not where they themselves are at. They typically tell you to stop, and “accept Jesus” without answering the needs of those people who desire a more thorough exploration of these subjects.

...The Real/Fake Debate - Is magic real? Do ghosts, aliens, conspiracies and god really exist or are they projections of our own internal processes? These sorts of existential occult questions used to keep me up at night (and sometimes still do), but there comes a point when you have to move past it all, and start looking at the effects of belief. What changes in your life if you accept God as real? What about if you start practicing spells? How does that change your attitude and approach to the world? The other questions of existence become a moot point after a certain point also when you realize that it’s very possible that ultimate truths simply can’t be expressed (see above).

My Life
- Lastly, what the hell does all this occult stuff have to do with my or your “real” lives? We go to the office, or wherever, spend time with family, friends and loved ones, and how can we reconcile all the weird research and mental questioning to the simple joys and challenges of every-day life? None of the occult books seem to address any of that, any of these basic questions about what’s life for, and how do we live it to it’s fullest?"

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