
Sunday, January 22, 2006

"I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are." - Bill Hicks

Welcome to!:
"I want to help this process along.
Because I want to be a part of the avalanche that swallows up the human race.
I mean really, it’s inevitable.
It’s slipping away from us, people. It’s painfully obvious to see, but nobody wants to make the call, and if they do, no one listens. The wars continue, the environment decays, and the resources are running dry. We’re sucking this bitch dry like a species of microscopic little vampires attacking a living earth. I mean think about this war we’re in right now, we’re literally fighting over who gets to suck out of the main artery.
I’m not saying I’m innocent, I’m a part of it too, I’m just saying, isn’t it fucking crazy that we’re still living like this in 2006?
Because really, that’s what we’re doing. That’s what the whole human race is: a very complicated form of bacteria that is attacking the mother earth.
If you looked at the Earth as a living organism - and who’s to say it isn’t, because it’s a host for life, but how to we know that a planet isn’t actually some kind of super life that exists in some sort of autonomous continuum, fueled by it’s very matter?
I mean, people are alive, but really when you think about what we “are” we’re a host to a collection of different organisms. From microbes living under your fingernails, to the viral life living in your cells that gives you herpes, to the fact that there’s more e coli living in your gut right now than there have ever been people EVER.
So who is to say that the earth isn’t conscious just like us. Maybe it’s the highest form of life."

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