
Sunday, January 22, 2006

"If only pot were legal, and the economy wasn’t so fucked up, it would be the most perfect place on the globe."

Welcome to!:
"I'm writing this from Sao Paulo, Brazil right now, and this place is one of the coolest fucking spots on the planet, by far.

The American dollar is stronger than that little Japanese kid in a hot dog eating contest, and every girl you see has been blessed with the big juicy ass gene, and spared the horrors of north American sexual shame.

To someone like me that struggles daily in a fit of confusion and anger with the unnatural behavior that is expected of the average American, this place is both proof and panacea.

Evidence that it's not so much the humans that are so fucked up, but rather it's the bizarre and artificial patterns or behavior our society forces on it's citizens that tear us apart from the inside, and leave so many depressed and empty.

Here in Brazil the human animal runs free.

Everyone is happy, and everyone is smiling.

There's no money to be made, so nobody focuses on it. There's a large catholic base here, but it appears that the entire population must have gotten together collectively and decided to make good use out of that whole 'confession' loop hole thing, because it's quite obvious that no one is letting a silly little thing like 'sin' or the threat of something as vague as 'hell' get in the way of a good time."

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