
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Freelance Living

Freelance Living - Are You a Peaceful Warrior? Are You Living on Purpose?:
"...Success in life is not only about stuffing our heads with more information and knowledge, but using what we learn in the real world to better our lives. We already know more than we can use in 10 lifetimes. Everyone who is overweight knows what to do to lose weight. It's not the knowing that loses the weight; it's the doing).

...Choice means giving up something you want for something you want more.

...Dan suggests there are four purposes to life:

1. Earth is a school, and life is our daily classroom.
2. Our work or job IS our form of service to the planet.
3. Life is about overcoming challenges, problems and hurdles, as well as finding and fulfilling our talent.
4. Making moment-to-moment choices means we NEVER have no purpose. Our purpose is the next choice.

...If we don't learn the easy lessons, life will continue to present them in harder ways until we "get" it.

...GET THIS: we CANNOT control our thoughts or emotions, therefore we are not responsible for our thoughts and emotions.

This was a powerful and potentially, controversial distinction, one that truly explodes some of the myths we accept as truths. We are taught to believe we can and should control our thoughts and emotions. We spend a lot of time, energy and life force trying to control the things that are uncontrollable. "Control your thoughts, and you control your life" is a popular notion. The truth is, we can't stop a thought from happening. Try to stop a thought from entering your mind before it happens. Can't do it. You might be able to influence, push away or distract yourself after a thought appears, but you CANNOT STOP A THOUGHT FROM ENTERING YOUR MIND. Thoughts happen without our conscious control. We are NOT responsible for our thoughts.

Can we really control our emotions? Let's test it out. Right now, TRY to feel terrified; now, depressed; now, surprised; now, anxious; now, sad. Here's a really tough one for some people: feel happy. Really TRY to feel these. Dan says emotions are like the weather patterns of the body. They pass. We are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR EMOTIONS. You have NO control over your emotions. Trying to control things you have no control over is a misuse of vital life force and energy. If we can't control thoughts and emotions, what can we control?

WE CONTROL WHAT WE SAY. WE CONTROL HOW WE ACT AND BEHAVE. WE HAVE CONTROL OVER WHAT WE DO.Spend time and energy controlling that which you have control over."

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