
Friday, January 13, 2006

The essence of Batman

"Batman/Bruce to me is a Renaissance Man. He's got an amazing amount of skill sets that are all dialed in on the genius level. He's a detective, a criminologist, an escape artist, a martial artist, a science expert and a weapons expert, etc. But in the end, as it's been mentioned before in other places, he's a human being, with all the flaws and such that make him even more interesting as a dramatic character.

Bruce/Batman to me, is not driven by the death of his parents anymore. Yes, it was the catalyst and a driving force at first, and yes, seeing his parents murdered before his young eyes is something that will stay with him forever, but I don't feel he's haunted by it anymore. What Bruce does now is honor their memory each and every night by going out into Gotham as its protector and in a strange way its advocate. Because what he does each and every night is saying something to the people of the city: This city will never fall prey to the evildoers. It may be banged up and kicked around sometimes, but it's always gonna get back up and keep fighting, keep living, because as trite as it may sound, to keep on keeping on is what it's all about. Evil and darkness will not win. Good will triumph as long as you don't turn your head - or as that old saying goes (I'm paraphrasing): all that takes for evil to win is for a good man to say/or do nothing."

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