
Thursday, January 05, 2006

Derren Brown kicks ass [...hypnosis doesn't exist]

Article - Derren Brown: The Heist:
"Under the guise of a motivational seminar and a follow-up documentary, can Derren Brown persuade any of his group of responsible, middle-management businessmen and women to steal £100,000 in an armed robbery? Such is the premise for the most ambitious and challenging of Derren’s specials to date. It’s a look at what little it takes to cross into deviant behaviour and a masterclass in persuasion.

Derren, how did you come up with the idea for this show?
“As ever, these things come about by thinking what I'd personally like to see on TV. I'm finally having my TV removed and replaced by a tropical fish tank, which I hope will provide more interesting viewing. I've also always had a vague distaste for the cult of selfishness apotheosised through self-help seminars, which form the starting point for the show.”

How would you describe what it’s about?

“For me this is about the fine line that we tread between normal and deviant behaviour; the nature and process of persuasion; what little it takes to push us into behaviour that is designated anti-social; and to quote Banksy - the fact that more crimes are committed in the name of obedience than disobedience. And generally far worse crimes.”

Is it possible to get someone to obey ANY order? Are they hypnotised?

“You have to realise that hypnosis doesn't exist: it just works on people's natural suggestibility, their expectations and capacity to unconsciously role play. You can't make someone do anything they don't want to do. Clearly if a hypnotist could make someone to steal £100k just by telling them to, the world would be a different place, and I suspect that hypnotists wouldn't bother doing shows in pubs or dodgy Spanish holiday resorts. So the challenge of the show is to insiduously massage these people to the point that they will make the decision themselves to hold up an armoured security van and point a gun at the guard, but without ever telling them to do so. Were I to ever suggest the idea, they'd obviously refuse. It has to come from inside them at the right moment. The viewer will follow every aspect of the persuasion process that takes place over 2 weeks: nothing is added or taken away.”


Q: In case Uri Geller's reading this and wants to challenge you to a fight: who'd win?

A: Me. We'd mentally zap each other from opposite corners of the room, but his powers would be inferior due to the age difference. He's 78 and I'm 26. And I'd keep calling him a bender, which he doesn't like. So eventually his head would explode - i'm imagining quite messily - and then McKenna would be forced to take his place. I'd pull his jumper over his head before he had time to ask me to stick my hands together, so he'd run around unable to see while I chased him, flicking his gooch with a wet towel. I'd do the same to Blaine and any of them. Daniel Radcliffe was well. Bring it on."

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