
Saturday, January 14, 2006


The Most Succesful CounterCulture Ever -
"Many attempts are made to counter the dominant mainstream powerbase. Whether you call it counterculture, subculture or countermovement or whatever, the idea is the same. Let’s organise a group of people so we can brand together and stop being part of the system and build our own world.

Our own world where we can be free and live as we want. Such initiatives are doomed to fail. All the big legendary movements failed horrendously. The beat generation disappeared before most people noted it existed. The hippies now all drive middle of the road cars and live with their wife in a suburb. The punks are dead for quiet some time now. All failures, except one …

House music is still very much alive and still expanding ever more so.

...Now I know that techno is not big in the US. And this is another sign how viable this movement is. R&B and Hip Hop are assimilated by the Borg Recording Industry of America. Resistance is Futile, you will be assimilated. That’s why the mainstream outlets push R&B and Hip Hop. It fits their business-model of having a famous artist to whom fans come bring all their earnings as soon as their pay-check arrives.

Not so in house music. Producers and DJ’s take their fair share of the loot, but only through party-organisers and club-owners. There are hotspots in the US like Miami, New York or Detroit. But it’s not any near the situation in Europe. England is sold on house music, Germany has crossed over, France is crazy about it. Eastern Europe is totally bonanza. We even got a complete island owned by the house-revolutionist.

Here in the Netherlands we have one million people going to raves, clubs and parties every single weekend. We have a couple of nationwide radio stations that are owned by conspirators. But there is more.

More important than the financial buying power this movement has generated, are the neurological consequences. House music is linked to drugs use everywhere. Positive, mind changing & growth enhancing drugs like MDMA, mushrooms and GHB. After a couple of parties most people can’t revert back to being normal. Ever again!

There is a big difference between house music and rock music. Rock music is a descendant of the blues. It is about being miserable and negative. House music is about feeling good, about looking at the bright side of life and finding the positive more important.

One of the famous Dutch house saying is “Lekker belangrijk” which roughly translates to “Like we care”. It’s said whenever someone starts about his job, his income or the success he has had. Everyone is equal when people are celebrating (high as kites).

...It even gets better. Even the most braindead, rightwing factory worker changes his behaviour after some good partying. No longer he is interested in working his way up the social ladder, making a career and following instructions as left by mom & dad, the state and church. O no, this new born rebel has a new cause to fight. To party the next weekend.

One of the looming crises the establishment faces today is that our generation don’t want to work as hard as they used to. Job security isn’t as important any more. Any job that will pay for next weekend’s party will do.

To sum up: this is a life changing counterculture that is raking in money. There is so much money involved that it will never die."

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