
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Comments on Freeper Conservative Thought - Comments:
"Often they are vigorous proponents of 'free enterprise' who take pride in working for large corporations because it gives them a vicarious sense of winning in a Darwinian competition.

Within their organizations, they are not innovators, leaders or solid hard workers -- usually ass-kissing, parasitic bureaucrats, as useless and obstructionist as the worst paper-pusher in the civil service that they so disdain.

Powerless and continually fucked over dozens of ways every day by the corporations they idolize, they redirect their rage at those who threaten their carefully-constructed mental edifice -- people who don't conform politically or socially to their constricted way of life, those who refuse to partake in infantile, unquestioning adoration of empty symbols like Party, flag, military and religion.


...I think the main difference between the two groups is that while both share a history of hurt from having been picked on in their younger days, by and large the liberal nerds rechannelled their persecution into a sympathy for the underdog, while the ones who became freepers, LGFers, or Jonah Goldberg decided they'd salve their wounds by making themselves over in the image of their former oppressors.


...They're all so scared. They're scared of everything. I mean, yeah, life is full of bad shit that can get you hurt or killed, but the rest of us manage to function without the nagging fear that a brigade of scary scary 'Islamofascists' are going to suddenly appear and launch a human wave attack on our local Target while we're there, pricing the holiday-print paper towels.

...They are your informers. They are your collaborators. They are the ones who would turn your ass in in a heartbeat, if they thought it would ingratiate them with whoever holds the power. This is why they're OK with wiretapping, rendition, torture and other creepy police-state powers. It's what the guys at the top -- the (currently) successful versions of themselves -- want and that's just fine with them. They think the guys at the top will protect them, and to hell with everybody else.

Just keep suckin' up to the boss, wingnuts, and maybe the axe will fall on somebody else."

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