
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Can't buy me love

The Lazy Way to Success: Work: No amount of money makes it worth doing:
"Why would anyone who already is worth a billion dollars continue to try to earn even more? Unless that guy is using ALL his wealth to create a healthier, happier, more peaceful world (which no billionaire seems to be doing), then that man clearly needs to get a life. I mean business is fun and creative and all that but, criminy, there are higher, vastly more fulfilling, and infinitely more useful pursuits than spending one’s life amassing excessive net worth.

Another weird thing about money is that its value is an illusion. The value of money is based on mutual agreement. Everyone has somehow accepted that money is worth something and exchanges goods for it. Unfortunately that value erodes over time as governments print as much new money as it wants.

Tragically, people spend their precious lives, even to the point of sacrificing their health, doing stuff they hate, and/or doing stuff that is actually harmful to others and the environment, and/or doing stuff that has no intrinsic value, just so they can get money. That is an enormous price to pay to amass something that can’t buy love, health, happiness, or spiritual fulfillment and that is destined to be worthless."

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