
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Being from the South, I'm almost ashamed I've never said this.

Next time I head to NC, I'm totally gonna find a brother and ask 'em about the "slave thing".

And then I will get my ass handed to me by an angry black man.

Overheard in the Office: The Voice of the Cubicle - 2PM Meeting with HR:
"2PM Meeting with HR

Co-worker #1: I pretty much hate that stupid nursing consultant.
Co-worker #2: I know. Me too.
Co-worker #1: She's so phony. It's 'cause she's Southern.
Co-worker #2: I know! I hate Southerners! And I'm not even black!
Co-worker #1: Uh...what?
Co-worker #2: Well, you know. The slave thing. Don't you hate her because of the slave thing?
Co-worker #1: Uh, no."

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