
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The bad news [and then the good news]

Alchemical Braindamage:
"The bad news is that people are swiftly being herded into a number of alternatives. We have the Hellworlds of 'war that won't end in our lifetimes' , ' peak oil' , 'clash of civilizations' , 'climate collapse' or 'the new world order' . People wander into these headspaces because for whatever reason they feel like this stuff represents some unavoidable modification to the game rules they've already laid out. Is it your secret desire to run free across the decimated wasteland of a collapsed western world? Maybe if you name is Ran Prieur. But chances are the only reason you're there is because you convinced yourself that the carrot at the end of the stick just got yanked into the bowels of post apocalyptic nightmare and you can't help but follow it. Until you see what's leading you into these places you'll never be free of them.

And the sad thing is, in light of our earlier considerations, these nightmares aren't just in your head. They infect the world, they spread, they become more real. You plumb these dark dimensions and in doing so you solidify them and call them forth, and lay the groundwork for others to fall into them. And so very few of us have the discipline to back out of the trap, even if we could see it.

Thankfully we also have the Hyperworlds, the realms of unleashed progress, opportunity creativity and abundance. '2012', 'The Singularity', ' Electronic Retribalisation', 'The Archaic Revival', 'S.M.I.L.E'. Each of these has their cheerleaders and evangelists. The main danger to these places is apathy. Of sliding into complacency and neglecting the need for challenge and growth. I do think the mature person chooses to live in a joyful, promising world of limitless opportunities, while "

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