
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"Whose idea of freedom is it then?"

As it should be obvious, I'm diggin' pretty hard on this blog I discovered - You Are A Cog.

Of course, that's "discovered" in the same sense of Columbus discovering America when there were already people living there.

Like that.

Any place who's tagline is "The intermediate stage between socialism and capitalism is alcoholism"... well, you just know that's worth a read, don't you?

Go. Now. I command thee.

You Are A Cog.: War:
"We’re fighting for Liberty? For Freedom? Whose freedom? Mine? I was free before we starting fighting? Wasn't I? Theirs? OK. Theirs. Whose idea of freedom is it then? Define that. I think it’s pretty important that before I say I’m willing to have someone possibly splash my guts onto the wall behind me that we get the definition of freedom clear... So why don't we just figure out exactly what were talking about here. Thats important. Thats very important.

The United States fought for Freedom and Democracy in the 18th Century. Surely we have it. We won it with blood. So did Canada. And Australia. And Norway. Didn’t they? Maybe we have more Democracy than they do.

OK, Freedom, Honor, Belief and Democracy aside, war is about life and death. Thats important too. Thats what you're getting into when you're getting into war so you need to be crystal fucking clear on that. You better believe - more than believe, you better know - that dead means dead. That those boys that are dying are not coming back. Ever. And I've got a hunch that they sure didn’t think of honor and freedom and glory as bits of their skull sliced through their brains, as fire seared their eyes open and scalded their lungs dry. I've got a hunch that they'd be just like you and me. That they thought about Their Girls and Their Family. Their Kids. Their Home. That they thought, please wouldn’t it be great to see them all just one more time. Please."

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